Thursday, January 19, 2012

Nostalgia Crisis Play List

  This is the Nostalgia Crisis Play list these are songs we play on a regular Basis ,feel free to send your comments let us know what you want us to play !!!

1 comment:

  1. Johnny, here are the lyrics to Negative Approach "Nothing"

    You try to make things work and gain something

    It's all no use, it's all worth nothing

    Complete satisfaction is too impossible to believe

    Nothing's ever f*cking gonna work for me

    Tomorrow seems so hopeless can't keep it off my mind

    Another day of nothing I'm running out of time

    I've got nothing I can look forward to

    I'm always left with nothing

    I'm always told things I don't want to hear

    My destiny's become quite clear

    Life's never f*cking given nothing to me

    It's just stood by and watch me bleed
